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World Traditional Karate Association (WTKA)
The Shintani Wado Kai Karate Federation (SWKKF) is affiliated with the World Traditional Karate Association. 

The WTKA offers our members the ability to earn International  Dan Ranking / Registration, International Instructor / Examiner certifications and the ability to compete in WTKA Championships around the world.


Dan Rankings

In order to obtain a Dan rank with the WTKA, students must participate and pass a Dan Grading in front of the WTKA National Technical Committee during a WTKA Seminar or Clinic. Students will be evaluated on the technical standards that are submitted and approved as part of the application process. 


For more information refer to the WTKA Canada Website: WTKA Canada Dan Gradings


Instructor Qualification 

WTKA offers four levels of Instructor Qualification (Level D, C, B, A).

  • D class: Those who have 2nd Dan with D class Instructor are qualified to instruct and train at local dojo.

  • C class: Those who have 3rd Dan with C class Instructor are qualified to instruct and train at local and community dojos.

  • B class: Those who have 4th and 5th Dan with B class Instructor are qualified to instruct and train at Provincial level.

  • A class: Those who have 6th Dan and above with A class Instructor are qualified to instruct and train at National and International level.


For more information refer to the WTKA Canada Website: WTKA Canada Instructor Qualification


Examiner Qualification

WTKA offers four levels of Examiner Qualification (Level D, C, B, A).

  • D class: Those who have 3rd Dan with D class examiner qualification are allowed to give up to 1st Dan.

  • C class: Those who have 4th Dan with C class examiner qualification are allowed to give examinations up to 3rd Dan.

  • B class: Those who have 5th Dan with B class examiner qualification are allowed to give examinations up to 4th Dan.

  • A class: Those who have 6th Dan and above with A class examiner qualification are allowed to give examination from 1st to 4th and 5th Dan and over.


For more information refer to the WTKA Canada Website: WTKA Canada Examiner Qualification


For additional information refer to the WTKA Canada Website: WTKA Canada or the international Website: WTKA International.


Please e-mail Sensei Ron Mattie or Darren Humphries should you need further information.


e-mail address:

                              Sensei Ron Mattie                                         Sensei Darren Humphries



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