World Kobudo Federation
The Shintani Wado Kai Karate Federation (SWKKF) is affiliated with the World Kobudo Federation.
The World Kobudo Federation (WKF) offers our members the ability to earn WKF Club Affiliation, Degree and Title recognition, access to Budo-Pro School Development Program, access to world class instructors and much more.
Club Affiliation
A WKF Club Affiliation is presented once the application form is completed and approved.
For more information on joining the WKF, please email Sensei Neil Prime ( or Sensei Darren Humphries (
Dan Gradings
In order to obtain a Dan rank with the WKF, a students club must be a member in good standing with the WKF and must fill out the WKF Certification Application Form.
For more information on dan certificates with the WKF, email Sensei Neil Prime ( or Sensei Darren Humphries (
Title Recognition
Title recognition in the SWKKF will be reserved for those individuals who represent the SWKKF in settings outside the SWKKF where titles beyond Sensei are customary.
Any titles will be appointed by the Senate or recommended to the Senate for approval.
All title appointments and applications will be approved by the SWKKF Senate before applying for title
recognition from the World Kobudo Federation.
The Shintani Wado Kai Karate Federation in partnership with the World Kobudo Federation will award rank titles as follows:
Shihan. Shihan is a master title. This title is presented to senior instructors who are involved in activities outside the SWKFF and is presented to an individual who qualifies at Rokudan or above. A Shihan does not necessarily progress to Kyoshi or Hanshi.
Kyoshi. Kyoshi is a master title meaning "teacher of teachers". This title is presented to senior instructors who are involved in activities outside the SWKKF and is presented to an individual who qualifies at Shichidan or above. A Kyoshi does not necessarily progress to Hanshi.
Hanshi: Hanshi is a master title for the headmaster of a style (it is acceptable to have more than one in the SWKKF). This title is presented to senior instructors who are involved in activities outside the SWKKF and is presented to an individual who qualifies at Hachidan or above.
For more information refer to the World Kobudo Federation Website.
Please e-mail Sensei Niel Prime or Sensei Darren Humphries should you need further information.​
e-mail address:
​Sensei Neil Prime (
Sensei Darren Humphries (