The Shintani Wado Kai Karate Federation (SWKKF) is a Karate Canada recognized association.
Based on Karate Canada requirements, a Karate Canada Dan Certificate must be received before a World Karate Federation certificate can be requested.
The Karate Canada Dan Certificate request process is as follows:
Interested members must be a member in good standing with the Shintani Wado Kai Karate Federation
Interested members must be a member in good standing with the Provincial Sport Organization (PSO). The requirements for certificates from 1st Dan to 5th Dan are:
1st Dan – member of the PSO for at least 1 year.
2nd Dan – member of the PSO for at least 1 year.
3rd Dan – member of the PSO for at least 2 years
4th Dan – member of the PSO for at least 3 years
5th Dan – member of the PSO for at least 4 years and have a club registered with 15 students with the PSO
Member completes the application form. Forms are available below for download.
Member submits the application form along with an eTransfer for the Certificate to Sensei Heather Fidyk (hfidyk@shintani.ca) or Sensei Darren Humphries (dhumphries@shintani.ca).
Karate Canada will mail the certificate in 4 – 6 weeks (for Karate Canada Dan Certificates and 4 – 6 months for a World Karate Federation Certificate.
The Karate Canada and World Karate Federation Certificates is another optional avenue for our members to pursue if they choose to. Our current Dan Grading process remains the same. A Karate Canada or World Karate Federation Certificate can be issued without performing another Dan grading.
Please e-mail Sensei Heather Fidyk or Darren Humphries should you need further information.
e-mail address:
Sensei Ron Mattie Sensei Darren Humphries
​Download Applications Forms:
Karate Canada
World Karate Federation