Programmes SWKKF
Voici la liste de divers programmes au sein du SWKKF.
La SWKKF tient à remercier les membres du comité qui ont contribué à l'élaboration de ces programmes.
Think about how you are likely to approach a task at home. You turn on a YouTube instructional video to understand what has to be done just before you begin your task. This requires you to know where to go to access that video information.
This is the objective of the SWKKF website -- to provide you with a single source where you can access what you need or find clear directions to where the information can be obtained. The information can relate to clinics, videos, instruction manuals, online courses, certifications, etc. It could relate to refining a particular skill set or even starting a new karate club.
With the help of various Committee Members, the SWKKF has developed a series of training programs. These programs or instruction sets are available Online or through Clinics conducted by highly skilled senseis (instructors).
Cliniques de ceinture noire et classements
Cliniques d'autodéfense
Cliniques Shindo
Cliniques de kata shintani
Cliniques de stratégies d'entraînement
Also refer to Policies & Procedures Policy 6 Mandate Phase 1