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"La Fédération de Karaté Shintani Wado Kai est une organisation inclusive modelant la gentillesse et l'humilité de Hanshi Shintani, à travers l'enseignement de son karaté traditionnel et du Shindo."

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Alerte de nouvelles

Sensei Jeff Gervin Passing

It is with sincere sadness we announce the passing of Sensei Jeff Gervin on Monday March 10th 2025.


Sensei Jeff was a 7th degree black belt and a long time dedicated member of the Shintani Wado Kai Karate Federation. He was the head instructor of the club he founded, Synthesis Martial Arts in Boissevain Manitoba and was once  a member of the Shintani National team. He also was the Manitoba Provincial Representative for many years and currently a very important contributor to our  Governance Committee which created our Strategic Plan..


Sensei Jeff will be extremely missed by his students & friends in the SWKKF as well as the entire martial arts world.

Our sincere condolences go to his family and friends that he held so dearly to his heart.. They are all in our thoughts and prayers.


May he rest in peace


Sincerley, SWKKF Senate

Shichidan Rank Adancements

Sensei Shelley McGregor and Sensei James Freeman advance to Shichidan (7th Dan)

Volunteer Opportunities

Are you looking to gain some volunteer experience? The SWKKF is looking for an individuals to join the Audit Committee and the Judging Training.

Sensei Ron Mattie inducted into the Canadian Black Belt Hall of Fame

With great pride, the SWKKF Senate and membership would like to congratulate Sensei Ron Mattie, for being inducted into the Canadian Black Belt Hall of Fame at Gatineau, Quebec on Saturday, November 2nd, 2024.

Hanshi Shintani Appointing his SWKKF Successor - Denis Labbe

November 1, 1997, Hanshi Shintani appointed Sensei Denis Labbe as his successor for the Shintani Wado Kai Karate Federation.

Tournoi commémoratif national de Shintani - Samedi 27 mai 2023

Vous avez encore le temps de vous inscrire au Shintani National Memorial Tournament.  Consultez les informations "Plus".


Veuillez également envisager de faire un don à «l'enchère silencieuse» pour soutenir l'équipe Shintani.

Senate Appointment Announcement

The SWKKF Senate is pleased to announce Sensei Kris Reynolds has been appointed to the senate.

Hanshi Shintani Legacy Recherche de photos

Nous recherchons d'autres photos et vidéos historiques de Hanshi Shintani. Veuillez ajouter vos photos et vidéos aux archives en vous rendant sur la page Archives de photos et en cliquant sur le lien.

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À propos de la SWKKF


Une histoire brève








Clubs à travers le Canada

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Newsletter SWKKF


Boutique SWKKF

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Événements SWKKF

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Classes en ligne

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