Black Belt Grading Overview
This section outlines the requirements for each of the DAN levels as well as what attributes the Jōseki board is looking for at each of the Yudansha ranks.
In addition to training at your own dojos, students are encouraged to share and acquire knowledge from other Shintani Wado Kai Karate Members.
When progressing through yudansha ranks, there should be a continuous evolution of your physical, technical, tactical and mental proficiency. You should demonstrate a never-ending desire to improve yourself.
A Shodan will demonstrate competence in the basics of Shintani Wado Kai Karate. A Shodan will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of all sections of the grading curriculum techniques and abilities.
A Nidan will demonstrate additional speed, focus, and power. There will be increased confidence in the overall techniques and abilities.
A Sandan will demonstrate efficiency and effectiveness. Being able to convey this to others is part of that development and critical to the advancement of the art.
A Yodan will demonstrate knowledge and confidence in your basic and advanced techniques. A Yodan is proficient but continues to strive for advanced personal accomplishment.
A Godan level and above will demonstrate superior knowledge and understand of all aspects of karate. A well-rounded black belt has established a combination of physical expertise, humility, loyalty and leadership.
Extract from Grading Manual
Version 2.1 - March 2022 - Page 19
Mail or e-mail us your grading application
Mail Address
e-mail Address
Shintani Wado Kai Karate Federation (SWKKF)
P.O. Box 20028 Grantham
St. Catharines
ON L2M 7W7
Application Timing
Shodan, Nidan, Sandan and Yondan Applications
To be eligible for grading, your application and payment must be fully completed and received 1 (one) month prior to grading. Late applications will not be accepted.
Godan Applications
To be eligible for grading, your application and payment must be fully completed and received 1 (one) month prior to grading. Late applications will not be accepted.
Grading Fees (applicable to all Provinces)
Grading Fee: $150 + applicable taxes (GST / HST)
Useful Grading Forms
Fill out the Calendar of Events Form
Download "grading sheet" in the Instructors Only section.
Application for Black Belt Grading
Para-Karate Application For Shodan - Godan
Application for Shodan
Application for Nidan / Sandan / Yodan
Application for Godan
Application for Rokudan, Shichidan, & Hachidan
Pre-Grading Feedback Sheet is a tab in the Grading Sheet spreadsheet found in Instructors Only Section.
*Grading Manual
*Note: It is important to review the SWKKF Grading Manual. This contains all of the information pertaining to an application for a Black Belt Grading.
What Should Be Submitted in the Grading Application
Follow this checklist when submitting a grading application:
Student application section
Instructor application section
Completed Written Questionnaire
Instructors attach:
Application in Microsoft Word Format. Make sure everything is in a single document. If you use Google Docs, export to a Microsoft Word Format.
Pre-Grading Summary (PDF document) as a separate document
Send grading fee via eTransfer ($150 + GST/HST) to